FIS 1925 - 2025 LYŽAŘSKÝ ZÁVOD NA JASANKÁCH - 8.2.2025
INFORMACE K DOPRAVĚ pro fanoušky a závodníky V sobotu 8. 2. 2025 se v Janských Lázních koná Lyžařský závod na Jasankách (18 km). Start i cíl závodu bude na Kolonádě. Pro účastníky a fanoušky je zajištěno speciální dopravní opatření: PARKOVÁNÍ: Parkoviště X Krpa ve Svobodě nad Úpou bude zdarma k dispozici již od 7:30 do 18:00 (bez možnosti parkovat přes ...
moreFun After Skiing
Snowtubing in Janské Lázně, early evening sledding by the magic carpet under Javor in Pec, sledding between the Sporty slopes on Černá hora, and the Magical Ride on the Relaxpark toboggan run - at SkiResort ČERNÁ HORA - PEC, kids will have a blast even after skiing Take them to the attractions, between which you can travel by free ski ...
moreFor night skiing every day during the spring holidays
In the SkiResort ČERNÁ HORA - PEC you can enjoy night skiing every day during the spring holidays. From January 29th to March 1st, night skiing is available daily after dark on the Protěž slope in the Černá hora area and on Javor in Pec pod Sněžkou, always from 6 PM to 9 PM. A free ski bus will take ...
more44 km of slopes and plenty of adventures
Ideal skiing conditions prevail in the Eastern Krkonoše Mountains. SkiResort ČERNÁ HORA - PEC has 44 km of slopes open, with up to 100 centimeters of snow. Skiing is available in all areas, and skiers can travel between Černá hora and Pec pod Sněžkou on skis and by SkiTour snow groomers. Approximately 80 km of cross-country trails are groomed on ...
moreSet off on the Černohorská toboggan run
The Černohorská toboggan run is open from Saturday, January 18th. So come and enjoy the 4-kilometer-long route from the top of Černá hora to Janské Lázně. Entry is free. The toboggan run is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm. After this time, entry to the toboggan run is prohibited. Cable-operated snow groomers move along the route, which are ...
moreFree ski school from 6th to 10th of January with a ski pass
New Year's gift from SkiResort Get free ski school lessons for your kids with a day ski pass! ✔️ Group lessons take place from January 6th to 10th, 2025 at LIVE park Formánky in Janské Lázně ✔️ The lesson lasts 3.5 hours: morning 10:00 - 12:00 / afternoon 13:30 - 15:00 ✔️ Children up to 13 years old can learn ...
moreMagical Ride wins the competition for the most beautiful illumination in Pec
In the first half of December, the public chose the most beautiful Christmas lights in Pec pod Sněžkou. Nine buildings entered the competition, organized by the Pec pod Sněžkou Tourism Association, including the Relaxpark toboggan run, which this year was newly illuminated with thousands of lights. These are not only along the entire 900-meter route, but also around the toboggan ...
moreGive the gift of winter and summer experiences this Christmas
The best gifts are experiences. Summer cable car trips, to children's parks and the Treetop Walk, or the perfect skiing can be easily found on our e-shop. Plus, in a gift pdf, with which you will make a proper show under the Christmas tree. I'll check out the gifts from SkiResort Give your loved ones a one-day Flexiskipas, with ...
moreA magical ride starts on Saturday, November 23rd, cable car out of service
Don't miss the chance to take a ride on the toboggan run illuminated by more than a thousand lights for the first time in Pec pod Sněžkou this Saturday. Throughout the Relaxpark area, the magical atmosphere will be enhanced by illuminated 2D and 3D models of Krkonoše animals and fairy tale characters in larger than life size. The toboggan run ...
morePožár zasáhl pouze přístupovou chodbu k nástupišti, přípravy na zimu pokračují bez omezení
Včerejší požár v budově dolní stanice kabinkové lanovky v Janských Lázních zasáhl jen přístupovou chodbu k nástupišti lanovky. Technologie lanové dráhy se požár vůbec nedotkl. Přípravy na zimní sezónu i eshop, kde probíhá předprodej skipasů, běží bez omezení. Zimní sezónu bychom ve SkiResortu ČERNÁ HORA – PEC měli zahájit podle plánu. O tomto víkendu měla lanovka plánovanou odstávku před ...